Surya / Gold

Surya / Gold


100% of profits go to supporting women and girls in need. Your Dharma bangle changes her life forever and has an infinite ripple effect.

The Intention

Surya is the sanskrit name for the spiritual Sun, the power that sustains and nourishes all of Life on our planet. Surya is here to reflect your personal power, your innate light and the clarity, courage and confidence that shines through You.

Therapeutic wear

Made with therapeutic-grade gold and brass, both of which are known in Ayurveda to benefit the wearer. Especially balancing for Vata Dosha, the warming gold tones have a grounding effect and replenishes muscles and bones. Gold and brass are both honoured for enhancing tajas and ojas, the essence of vitality that supports you in being more effective and fully present in daily life.

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